Blockchain privacy with zkBob at ETHIndia
zkBob sponsored the ETHIndia hackathon to promote compliance and privacy with the BOB stablecoin.

EthIndia was the first hackathon sponsored by the zkBob team in December of 2022. Prizes for builders totaled $10,000 BOB and were distributed to hackers who participated and used zkBob for stablecoin privacy in their applications. Some of our takeaways from this initial hackathon included:
- Privacy should be a fundamental aspect of finance, with the option to reveal information as needed. Thanks to technologies like zkBob, this is becoming a reality.
- The bear market was barely mentioned at ETHIndia, and we loved the enthusiasm of the builders there. We feel that the next generation of crypto coders has arrived.
- We need to step up our game when it comes to our booth and swag - some of the other participants at ETHIndia really raised the bar.
- Responsible privacy - privacy that is also compliant - will be a major trend in blockchain going forward.
Overall, we found the hackathon to be inspiring, and we're looking forward to a year of building and adoption.

For a complete recap see the original Mirror post ETHIndia + zkBob was 👍 🔥 👍